POCHON and the boatyards
POCHON SA has a long history of working with all the major French yacht builders: ALUBAT, AMEL, CATANA, CNB, Couach, ...
The synergy between the 2 establishments, POCHON SA for electronics and the POCHON Electricity Department, has been fully exploited to the benefit of the sites in La Rochelle, enabling them to carry out an overall project that is better planned and organised.
The departmentGrande Plaisance"created in 2003 is dedicated to the largest boats (50 feet) and meets the needs of a particularly foreign clientele very up to date with the latest developments and the most sophisticated interfaces.
The commercial and technical support provided by the Pochon agencies in electronics and electricity, to the shipyards and their customers as they sail, means that information on our equipment, and even on the boat, can be passed directly to the design offices. This also contributes to the excellent reputation of French shipyards across the Atlantic.
Here are some of the highlights:
- CNB 95" Large Blue
- ICD 115" Obsession
- CIM 120" Maricha
- CATANA 90" Orion
- GARCIA 64"
- CNB 100" Chrisco
- Planet Solar